The 4- Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris- A Book Review

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This book was first published in 2007 but is still very relevant today. The book crossed my path at a good time in my career and been very helpful. The title of the book is really just to attract people’s attention but the essence of the book is about outsourcing your life and creating a balance of work and play defined by him as  lifestyle design or life entrepreneurship.

It is about applying the 80/20 principle into your life. The idea that 80% of your productivity comes from 20% of your time, and the other 20% of your productivity eats up 80% of your time.

Tim Ferris is an extremist and an innovative entrepreneur and he pushes the boundaries of human performance.

Life exists to be enjoyed — the most important thing is to feel good about yourself. – Ferris

The aim of the book is to guide you to have the freedom to travel and work remotely and free up your time, do what you really want to do. He explains how we can ditch the 9-5 lifestyle and free up time to do the things you actually enjoy. Ferris manages to learn new languages, travel and spend quality time in remote areas and is a champion tango dancer and kick boxer.

If you can’t define it or act upon it, forget it. – Ferris

The immediate changes I have made to my life after reading this book include;

✔ Working on eliminating distractions and streamline my systems and ways of doing things

✔ Reduce time wasted on superfluous information like the watching or reading the news and online social media

✔ Reduce clutter from my life

✔ Carry around a written to do list rather than have it on my computer

✔ Check emails received and unsubscribed to newsletters that are irrelevant to me and take up my precious time

✔ Go back to all my goals and plans and refine them and add in some new exciting adventures like more travel and a challenging sporting event

✔ Relook at my monthly expenses and eliminate unnecessary and repetitive costs e.g. have 2 gym memberships and 2 bank accounts with all the charges involved

✔ Work at becoming an expert in my field

Some great learnings form the book to put into practise and boost productivity;

Stop all multitasking immediately. If you are writing, close all web browsers and just focus on the writing.

Eliminate time wasting and timewasting activities, reduce meetings and meeting times, take quick phone calls and communicate mostly by e-mail.

Don’t ever sit in front of the computer or arrive at a meeting without a clear list of priorities. You will get caught up in unnecessary emails and scramble your brain for the day.

Check your emails twice a day- no more.  This is effective at reducing the time of scrolling and getting sucked down with mundane emails.

The time is never right. If you want to do something get it done today.

He encourages us to understand ourselves and do work that matters. What is stopping you?

By working only when you are most effective, life is both more productive and more enjoyable. – Ferris

Tim Ferris Website

Have you read this book or any other books by Tim Ferris? What did you think?

Are there any other business books you would recommend? I would love to hear.

4 hour work week

Disclosure: This post is not a sponsored or paid post and all opinions are my own.

  • Bablofil


    Thanks, great article.

    • Super Shazzer

      Hi there, thanks so much

  • Amanda


    Great book with timeless truths- great summary!

    • Super Shazzer

      Hi Amanda, thanks so much for commenting 🙂

  • Tinkara


    Tim Ferris is a true legend! I love his books!

    • Super Shazzer

      Thanks for the comment. Yes he is. Have listened to his podcasts and YouTube and he really does seem like a genuine guy.

  • Harshraj Jhala


    That is one of my most favourite book. Apart from it, I think $100 Startup is also a good book for blogpreneurs.
    You might find it interesting as well!

    • Super Shazzer

      Hi there, thanks for commenting and for the suggestion.

  • Reshma Narasing


    I have been wanting to read this book for so long, in fact, I was just thinking about ordering it today. Such a coincidence that I bumped into your post. Great review, will order soon now 🙂

    • Super Shazzer

      Thanks so much. Yes, it is worth getting

  • Akosua Evelyn's Blog


    i really like this article.Its so nice

    • Super Shazzer

      Thanks so much for commenting

  • Sonja


    Great post! Love his books!

    • Super Shazzer

      Hi Sonja. Thanks so much for comment. Yes, his books are great!

  • Melissa Javan


    Nice, great tips! Sounds like a good read

    • Super Shazzer

      Hi Melissa, thanks so much.

  • Margot | The Pastel Project


    Sounds like a book made for me!
    Thank you for sharing!

    xo, Margot

  • Lauren


    Yes! I’ve read it! Loved it! Recommend it often. 🙂 Tim Ferriss shared some great resources.

  • Titus Hauer


    Excellent post and a great book too! Thanks for sharing.

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