The Cape Town Storm Experience- Continue Using Your Voice for Creating Change

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“For evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing.” Simon Wiesenthal

Cape Town Storms Sharon Atkins Blog Image

◊◊ Cape Town is currently experiencing a hectic storm that is sweeping across the Peninsula bringing rain, strong winds, thunder and lightening. It is a big storm and a dangerous one. Schools, colleges and a lot of businesses have closed for the day. ◊◊

There have sadly been casualties, a lot of damage to roads and properties and the emergency services are overwhelmed.

But what the phenomena is, is the build-up and sharing of this unique event. Cape Town and the rest of the country is going crazy in the hype and sharing and following, tweeting and posting pictures of foamy high waves, flooded roads and dark clouds.

We are all caught in a frenzy of news, views and the latest rainy, windy images. My timelines are overloaded with #capestorm, #capetownstorm and other hashtags.

I am not judging here because I am included in this craziness.

So, I am asking why don’t we apply this dedication to sharing and participating into something bigger than ourselves and to other very very necessary causes in the Province and the rest of the country. Let’s take all this action and reactions and continue it to highlight other important issues that affect us all every day in this beloved country of ours South Africa.

Let us as take the POWER of all this caring and social sharing and keep it going.

Let us use this group energy and enthusiasm and take this powerful force of social media and public comment to a new level and become spokespeople for change.

Causes that need our voice and our help;

☛ Violence against women and children (so very relevant!!!)

☛ Reckless driving, drunk driving, using a cell phone while driving and other irresponsible acts that lead to deaths on the road

☛ Lack of basic services including housing, education and health

☛ Corrupt and dishonest officials

Let’s use our power and create campaigns, get Twitter trending and Facebook fired up about these issues as well as The Cape Town Storms.

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” Desmond Tutu




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