Creating a Plan for a Healthy Life- Do It Today!

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If you don’t have a plan for what you want, then you will probably find yourself buying into someone else’s plan and later find out that was not the direction you wanted to go. You’ve got to be the architect of your life. Jim Rohn

Have you ever planned any health goals for yourself? Actually, given it thought, created a vision for your life and then written it down?

Well, I have just done this. I have worked through a Master Planning programme with Dr John Demartini over all the 7 areas in my life and the “Physical” area is one of them.

I am going to share my plan with you…

Physical Health, Wellbeing and Vitality

Be strong and healthy until the end of my days. Be full of energy, slim, trim, strong and vital.

Do work- outs and trainings that inspire me and remain active always.

Do eat real, nutrient dense balanced food that nourishes and strengthens my body and mind.

Do look after my mind and body, take care of it, respect and love it through massages, facials, chiropractic, body talk and other body work and beauty care.

Have routines in a place for exercise to maintain a healthy body, remain at my goal/ ideal weight.

Have a strong, focused and stimulated mind.

• To remain strong and in good form and sound body and mind until I am over 100 years old.

• Love and thank every part of my body. Show the same love and gratitude to the source that created it.

I have also listed my goal weight and when I want to achieve this by and the activities that I want to do more of like yoga, hiking and swimming.

Give yourself permission to be extraordinary. Take the time to define how you want your life to be. John Demartini

Where to Start?

• First thing to do is to be grateful for the body that you do have. Our bodies are magnificent, a work of art and a gift to us so take some time to appreciate that. Work your way through every part of your body from your head to your toes and think about how each part serves you. Think about the miracle that is this life.

• Then formulate a plan. Start with what you want to Be, how you are going to Do that and what you will Have and then set goals that are in alignment with that.

• List all the physical goals that you would like to achieve, then review it regularly and revise it as things evolve and change. Then take action steps to achieve this.

Dedicate your life to a cause that inspires you and also greatly serves others. Master plan your life. If you don’t fill your day with high priorities, it will automatically become filled with low priorities. John Demartini

Do it, give it a try. Empower your life.

Dr Demartini is a leading authority on human behaviour and personal development


  • Sj


    Hi Shaz,

    Looking back now, do you feel the Master Planning course was worth it?

    • Super Shazzer

      Hi there, yes for sure. I don’t spend enough time on it but certainly is an amazing guideline for life and a way to manage plans and actions.

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