Developing my Writing Skills in a Creative Workshop

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supershazzer developing writing skills

Heads are down in concentration as hands move across the paper allowing the words to flow from the pen onto the page. This group of inspired writers in various stages of proficiency are fired up and want to share their stories.

As we spend the day together in a writing workshop, we are under the guidance of the talented Melinda Ferguson, writer, author and publisher.

My writing journey

I fell into writing after a profession in fashion and retail took a back seat as I become a Mom to my son. I longed for a freelance career that gave me flexibility, allowed me to make money and that also left me fulfilled at the end of the day (not a big ask).

I started writing articles for parenting websites and Mommy platforms and then evolved into writing and researching for businesses from entrepreneur sites to wellness magazines to insurance companies. But, besides some online courses, I have never had any formal training or education in this solitary occupation and that is how I found myself at this workshop.

Last year I was fortunate to attend another workshop; an amazing 3- day writing retreat in Ixopo in KZN. I use the skills that I learnt there every single day in my writing from my own Blog posts to LinkedIn Pulse articles.

Under Melinda’s kind, persistent and strong guiding hand we are given prompts, words and sentences to elaborate on and write about. She pushes us to go further and dig a bit deeper because that is where the inspired thoughts, words and treasures reside. That insecure, fearful place that lies hidden from the world as we show a composed, confident outer persona and façade.

This workshop is highly recommended for all wannabe writers (we all have a book in us, right?), bloggers, copywriters, editors and anyone who wants to;

✰ hone their skills

✰ leave a legacy

✰ write a memoir or book

✰ or just wants to inspire others with their stories.

About Melinda

Melinda Ferguson has some hairy, scary and incredible real life stories to tell. I brought her first book “Smacked” and devoured this in just two days (yes, it was that captivating). My life and upbringing seem so innocent and tame next to Melinda’s life story fraught with fear, abuse, alcohol and drug addiction as she takes us into the seedy underbelly of a big city that most of us will never experience.

The book gets you hooked (no pun intended) with her skilful, honest writing and the hopeful and inspiring outcome.

Find Melinda Ferguson Publisher/ Writer on Facebook

  • Enricoh Alfonzo


    WOW that’s amazing. so lucky to have attended that workshop. book sounds good
    LOL i’m still figuring linkedin out

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