Dr. John Demartini on Careers and Work Inspiration

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Dr. John Demartini on Careers and Work Inspiration Sharon Atkins and Super Cool Stuff

Do you want a more fulfilling career? Do you want to be inspired by what you do? Dr. John Demartini explains how we can achieve this.

In an interview with Dr. John Demartini Sharon Atkins asks about creating a fulfilling career for yourself.

Many people want to change careers or create a career around their passion and make money. How can we find out what work we should be doing in life and convert that into a successful career?

Dr. Demartini– On my website I have a section on the menu that says “Determine your Values.” The first thing you do is to determine what your hierarchy of values in life are, your priorities that you have in life and look at what is no. 1, no. 2 and no. 3, your top values, because that is the area where you won’t let yourself down on. That is the area that you will excel, that is the area that you are inspired by, that is the area that you are purposeful in.

If you start looking at what you can do in that area that can service the rest of the world, because without serving people there is no business. So you have to look at what it is you would love to do that has inspired you that you can’t wait to get up in the morning and do that. You can’t just guess, you can’t project, you can’t assume, you have to find something that really serves, to build a business around it or at least find somebody that has already built a business so you can join in with them.

You have to find something that you can’t wait to do so you can tap dance to work and do what you love every day. I am one of those people that do what I love so I can’t wait to go and do what I do every-day. But most people have Monday morning blues, Wednesday hump days and Thank god it’s Fridays because they have never decided what they would love to do.  If you don’t decide what you want nobody else will. If you don’t have a work ethic and don’t have a service orientation, you are going to be dependent on somebody else. It is that simple.

You have to care about humanity and want to create a service that will make an impact. The rewards are in the service!

For more information on Dr. Demartini’s work and seminars visit the Demartini Website.

Dr. John Demartini is a human behavioural specialist, educator, author and founder of the Demartini Institute, a private research and education institute with a focus on empowering individuals and organizations and transforming micro and macro social dynamics.


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