Fall in Love with Your Life Again

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Life is hard dammit…

But it is also beautiful!

We have to remind ourselves of this. I find to stay on track and keep that balance I ask myself one question every night;

What am I grateful for today?

That one powerful question brings things into perspective for me.

I have a notebook and pen ready and write these down. It might be as simple as the rain showers that fill our dams in times of extreme water shortages or coffee catch ups with a friend that nourish my soul and bring me a much-needed fun social interaction. Pause and notice these things.

It also might be something that has challenged me like a client paying me late which has finally got me to set up new terms on my invoices with regards to payment policies or a knee injury that has forced me to do more flexibility exercises and stretches (which is just what my body needed).

Look for the hidden opportunities. In the face of challenge, gratitude has the power to bring peace, hope and to heal.

What gratitude journaling does for me-

☞ It is a coping strategy to deal with life and manage anxiety

☞ It transforms the way I see the world

☞ I become clear on what truly matters

☞ My awareness expands

☞ It helps me to live from a more grateful perspective during the day

Give it a try! You may fall in love with life in a more deep and meaningful way.

Also, perspectives tend to shift from what you want to what you have been given.

“Adopting an attitude of gratitude helps us to be lighter in life so we can see the humour and joy in our moments. It also helps us to recognize what a gift and privilege it is to be here alive in the world.” Emily Madill

A Gratitude Exercise

Keep pictures in a notebook, on your phone or as the screen saver on your computer of your family, friends, pets, special moments, beautiful scenery, an act of kindness or a holiday you enjoyed.

When you feel the weight of the world on you, take a minute, find a quiet spot, focus on your breath and then look through those pictures.

Shift your attention to your heart, feel the love, warmth and gratitude there.

Let that boost your energy and crack open a renewed spark in your life.

“Gratitude unlocks all that’s blocking us from really feeling truthful, really feeling authentic and vulnerable and happy.” – Gabrielle Bernstein

Check out the rest of my posts on Gratitude and thankfulness on The Gratitude Project.

I would love to hear your stories. What are you grateful for at this very moment, good or bad?

  • Samantha


    I have a gratitude journal which I update once a week. It’s a real treat for me in my quiet time. It’s helped me be more positive about my life and the things around me.


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