Genes to Plate- A Recipe Book Review

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Nutrition Made Personal- over 100 simple, science based recipes to fit your unique genotype.

“In these pages lies a collection of delicious and simple recipes, designed, kitchen-tested and frequently used by leading doctors, dieticians and nutritionists who specialize in Nutrigenomics. If you want to be gene smart and proactive about your health, if you want to feel your best, this cookbook is for you.”

Check out my personalised journey with DNA testing and my genome-based health and nutrition advise so far- Cheek Swab to Improve Health and Weight Loss and My DNA Health and Oestrogen (Detoxification) Tests Feedback.

“Genes to Plate” is a blessing and a continuance of my ‘’health journey”. The book is both beautiful to look at, with great recipes and images as well as hugely informative.

Our genes determine the way our body responds to food and this recipe book tells us how we can choose nutrients and foods than help us make the most of our genetic inheritance. Health and nutrition has become personal.

My favourite recipes so far in the categories are;

Inflammation– the Avocado Chocolate Mousse

Detoxification– the Moroccan Cauliflower Rice and the Almond Milk Chocolate Smoothie

Methylation– the Baby Marrow Crust Pizza, the delicious Trail Mix and the Oat Date Cookies


Get help and assistance on your wellness journey- buy the Genes to Plate book on the CTG Website or at Wellness Warehouse.




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