Intention Setting Retreat at the BRC

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“Our intentions create our reality.” Wayne Dyer

So, I got to experience this wonderful place again. The Buddhist retreat in Ixopo. Read about my previous visits there; Writing Retreat and Wisdom to Nourish.

The place draws you back with its peaceful surrounds, natural beauty, serenity, abundance of delicious vegetarian food and the amazing high standard they maintain in all that they do.

This time it was for a retreat for a New Year Intention Setting Workshop.

The retreat was run and facilitated by the funny, kind, warm, generous, super smart and open-hearted Lucy Draper Clarke. With a doctorate in mindfulness and teacher education and a yoga teacher, we were in very good hands for this joyful weekend.

Words from Lucy- “We explore what it means to lead a life of joy, where anything is possible, and contemplate how to create a meaningful life within whatever shifting circumstances we find ourselves.
We will integrate our body, heart and mind in a gentle, unfolding process of yoga and mindfulness, providing the opportunity to reflect on what inspires and energises us. By trusting our ability to tap into our own talents, we can lead our lives in a way that also brings benefit to others.”

What’s not to love about that.

With a group of inspired individuals and facilitated by Lucy we were taken on a journey of contemplation, mindfulness practises, stories and movement. Lucy has developed a very visual practical tool for intention setting that we worked on that focuses your mind, and then channels that energy and commitment into action.

In between the sessions we had enough free time to explore the grounds, take hikes through natural forests, meander in the labyrinth and meditate alongside the Buddha.

We left feeling inspired and ready to take on life’s challenges.

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.” Buddha

I am not a Buddhist and you don’t have to be to go there. I am just a lover of taking special moments in special places.

Lucy Draper Clarke Website
Buddhist Retreat Centre Website

Read more on this- Loving Kindness


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