My Path to Retaining Health and Wellness

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Simple things that you can also do every day to stay motivated! Create steps for yourself to build a strong foundation for a healthy lifestyle.

There are some things that are non-negotiables in my life and I strive to do these every day. As you get into the habit it just becomes the norm and a part of your life.

Here are my daily wellness tips;

Lemon water

Every morning first thing I squeeze half a lemon in a cup and top with half filtered water and half boiled water and sip on this.


No coffee after 1pm. Too much caffeine reduces the quality of sleep.  If I want something warm and comforting I will have some rooibos chai tea or a ginger tea.

Cell phones

No social media and cell phone use after 8pm. It tends to stress you out, sap energy and is linked to insomnia.


Cut back on all sugar. This is a constant struggle for me but I am very aware of the foods that I eat and how much sugar they contain. Sugar is addictive and is linked to obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Carbs and wheat

I have cut back dramatically on these as they lead to bloating and weight gain. Wheat and grains spike blood sugar and wheat contains an addictive protein called gliadin, that increases cravings and makes us hungry.


Every day I take an Omega tablet, a good multi vitamin. This is a way to ensure your body gets the vitamins and minerals it needs when you are not eating for optimal health.


I drink at least 2 litres of clean filtered water a day. Water carries nutrients to the cells, flushes toxins out of vital organs and improves brain function.

Natural products

I try where I can to use more natural products with no parabens, sodium laurel sulphate and other nasties. Shower gel, deodorant, toothpaste and body lotion are just a few.

Mindful eating

At most meals or snacks I sit down and eat without distraction (meaning not in front of the computer or scrolling through social media on my phone or watching TV). It makes sense that this helps aid digestion and also makes you aware of what you eating and how full you are.

10 000 steps

Along with other exercise I make sure that I get at least 10 000 steps of walking in a day. This just helps me get up and get moving. Even if it means taking a walk at 8pm to get my steps done.

Gratitude journal

Every evening before bed I write what I am grateful for, sometime it is just one or two sentences, other times a whole page. Writing all that you are grateful for in that day, good and bad gives you a new perspective on that event, helps you focus on what really matters and become more self-aware.

Dry skin brushing

I try and dry skin body brush at least 3 times a week. This helps increase circulation, sheds dead skin cells, improves appearance and stimulates the lymphatic system.


I apply at least a factor 30 to my face every day. UVA and UVB radiation are the rays penetrate deep into the skin and cause premature aging and wrinkling and can cause skin damage. Sunscreen can help prevent this.

 What in your life is a non- negotiable? What do you do every day to achieve your health and wellness goals? I would love to hear.

This post is not intended to substitute for professional nutritional advise or informed medical advice. It is a compilation of my personal experiences and research.



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