On Appreciation in These Times

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I intentionally seek out the good news, the inspiration and the great stuff going on around the world at this time. It is worth taking a moment in this lock down or quarantine period to meditate on what you can be grateful for.

“When you know that bad things aren’t so terrible and good things aren’t so terrific, you can be quietly grateful for whatever occurs. Balance is neither pessimism nor optimism.” Dr John Demartini

These are words of gratitude and appreciation that I have found on various platforms online:

Appreciation of government dealing with the tough decisions

Appreciation for the financial assistance given to those in need

Appreciation for the structures and systems in place to try and slow this down, so that we can all cope

Appreciation for the supermarkets employing more people to keep up

Appreciation for workplaces trying to create new other jobs for the staff

Appreciation for the government trying to assist everybody as best they can

Appreciation for listening to music and musicians sharing online and how it helps other people

Appreciation for the time to develop and focus on what truly inspires me

Appreciation for my colleagues and all of us looking out for each other

Appreciation for the overwhelming human caring and concern that is coming out of this

Appreciation for the technology we have so that we don’t feel isolated

Personally and globally seeing a shift in the caring of people between each other. Human connection is as real across the Internet as it is in person. In an age where we seemed to be becoming more distanced, due to technology – we are seeing the shift now and how technology is allowing us to be more connected

Much love 💚

What appreciation can you share?

Read more… Seeking Out the Benefits in These Times


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