On Courage

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“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” E.E. Cummings

Standing up in front of the group, all eyes on me and the light of the camera recording catching my eye. There are expectations in the eyes of my fellow course attendees, but there is also great support there.

My voice shakes as I start to speak and as I tell my story my eyes water. The emotion rises up but something else amazing starts to happen. I start to stand taller, prouder and my voice becomes stronger. As I share my story on how a “speech impediment” that I have had since I was a child has held me back my whole life from speaking up and speaking out, I feel an awareness of a dark cloud lifting and find myself feeling lighter and freer.

I finish the talk with a confident edge and the audience stand and cheer me on.

Talk about a moment of finding confidence, courage and self-empowerment.

This was one of many moments we all experienced on “The Courageous Confidence Course” with Simon Ekin.

Read about my introduction and what the course offers here- Courageous Public Speaking.

I am normally the kind of person who hides away on the side-lines and avoids conversation and confrontations. For me just doing this course took courage.

My life’s journey has been one of learning, growing and finding inspiration, with the ultimate aim of writing, teaching and inspiring others on what I have learnt along the way. This course was an epic part of that journey.

Some of the words I used after completing the full 2-day workshop;

» Life Changing
» Empowering
» Effective

It also got me thinking about what courage is and what does it mean for me;

→ Being afraid but stepping up anyway
→ Speaking up against something that is wrong
→ Getting up and facing the day when you are feeling down
→ Knowing my worth in business and asking to be paid more
→ Working through every challenge that I face (big and small)
→ Asking for help
→ Showing emotion in front of other people
→ Not taking on work that is not aligned to my values
→ Engaging in a new experience

Recognize those moments of courage for yourself, no matter how insignificant you think they are.

“You always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.” The Wizard of Oz

Find out more about the course and Simon Ekin on;

Website www.simonekin.com
Email [email protected]
Cell +27 82 565 0765

What does courage mean for you?

  • Simon Ekin


    What a fantastic write up Sharon, I am moved and felt chills down my spine. Thank you again for your wonderful, courageous participation!

    • Super Shazzer

      Thank you Simon and for your support.

  • Rose McClement


    Sharon what a compliment to you and to Si. Long may this newfound freedom and lightness last. Far may it stretch.

    What does courage mean to me…. being able to live in, from and thro that place of uncertainty. While remaining in the intention of ‘letting go ‘. Such a challenge for me. But courage keeps me buoyant.

    • Super Shazzer

      Hi Rose, thanks for the comment. Yes, stretching is the word and an exciting road ahead for sure.

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