On Finding Hope

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Hatred and anger, violence and crime. The news is full of these stories and it is hard not to let these thoughts dominate your life.

Where do we find hope, how do we see the light, how do we break free from this dark cloud of doom and depression?

“I hear fearful voices calling for building walls and distancing people,” said Zuckerberg, who spoke out against attempts to slow immigration, reduce trade and cut access to the Internet. “It takes courage to choose hope over fear, to say we can build something and make it better than it’s ever been before.”

These words spoken by Zuckerberg made me think about courage and hope and transcending fear. I ask the question what can I do to contribute to the world? Where can I make a difference?

I realised that I do every day. I do not have to create a charitable organisation or invent something that changes people’s lives. It is the smile and acknowledgment I give to the less fortunate on the streets, the lifts I give to the ladies walking to work, the reassuring hugs I give to colleagues, the listening ear to troubled friends, the loving call to my mom so far away and the time I take to pick up the litter lying around.

These small things do make a difference to someone’s life and perhaps inspires hope in them. Taking action in some form empowers and can create far reaching impact.

I find hope in role models who show courage and bring a voice to those that do not have, from the sportsman who rose above adversity to the radio DJ or gathers good news stories to the parent that raises awareness and funds for their child dealing with cancer.

We see the strength of the human spirit demonstrated through tragedy. So much good arises from a life changing event.

I take inspiration from reading great books and listening to music that uplifts. Spending time in nature and appreciating the beauty surrounding us also shifts my perspective and rebalances the mind.

Hope like faith is an essential virtue that keeps the human spirit alive. Let hope help you and heal you.

“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” Desmond Tutu

Where do you find hope?

How do you stay hopeful through hard times?

What inspires you?

I would love to hear.



  • Annette


    Very well said! Faith and hope in our society is not the best right now, but we can make it so in the worlds we touch. The things we do and think. How we view things. What we focus on. Thank you for writing on a topic much needed right now.

  • Wenchy


    Hello….. I can’t say I’m always hopeful. Sometimes I just. Can’t. Deal.

    I take inspiration from my kids and not wanting to let them down.

    I wish you enough,

    • Super Shazzer

      Thanks for the message. I know it is tough and all we can do is just try our best. Sending you hugs.

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