The Month That Was April 2020

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Never have we ever experienced this before in our lifetime; this unprecedented time of Lockdown, Quarantine and Isolation because of a virus Covid 19.

The Joys Over This Time

The abundant birdsong, my goodness… so many birds

Not much traffic on the roads, quiet and no air pollution

The weather in Cape Town with sunny fresh and wind free days

The sense of humour that we have experienced locally and internationally from Memes to funny videos and stories

Rediscovering the Divine love and presence of God and the Bible and other spiritual text, readings, lessons, talks and lectures

Reading good fiction and great non- fiction Audible books and Podcasts

Our two cats keeping us entertained

  • The incredible, inspiring words of wisdom from wonderful mentors and teachers made available free of charge through Zoom, Facebook live, Webinars and videos
  • Sit down evening meals with our little family
  • Our beautiful, spacious, light and airy home
  • Hanging out with my wonderful, smart, generous husband over weekends and our daily sundowner and music moments
  • The individuals and organizations providing support, food and other necessities to the disadvantaged over this time
  • Endless cups of tea and real coffee

The Worries Over This Time

  • The economy and the state of business, work and unemployment
  • People’s physical and mental health
  • People struggling to survive with no food and finances
  • The future and what it might bring

What I Missed Most

  • My step Daughter Sydney’s visit and stay with us over the holidays. You are missed my love
  • Family, family, family
  • Barefoot walks on the beach with soft sand and cold water
  • Swims in the warmer ocean at Muizenberg
  • Coffee, catch up and chats with dear friends in real time
  • Social times and sundowners with friends

What we experienced in “the month that was April 2020”

GIVING BACK to the people that work for us with continued full salaries. Giving weekly financial support to other families in need. Financial, clothing, books and stationery donations to organizations that are doing incredible work.

TRAVEL was forfeited over this time. We missed our planned and booked trips to Durban and our regular Easter camping trip. We also had to reschedule our overseas trip to Europe.

RELAX TIMES included lots of competitive Rummicup, jigsaws, chilling on couches in the sun, playing with our cats, lots of reading, some baking, cooking shows and listening to music.

WORK continues. I am fortunate to be able to continue my coaching work and daily sessions on Zoom with our team. I also have been part of weekly online coaching workshops to our clients.

EXERCISE was bountiful and I managed to run/ walk 75 kms over this month of Lockdown by running around our house and creating a well worn path like you see at the Game park made by the animals. The JEFFtogether Facebook group has been very generous in their offering of a live online daily HITT class that I participated in at least three times a week. My yoga classes converted to online over Zoom and in my lounge.

FAMILY was missed along with the hugs, close contact and meaningful conversations. Birthdays and anniversaries were celebrated over WhatsApp.

FRIENDS were contacted weekly for checkins, chats, support and updates. We had regular sunset sundowner meet ups and social distancing with neighbours on our driveways.

CHORES were endless and ongoing from dishes to washing to laundry to cleaning, vacuuming, dusting and the list goes on and on.

DECLUTTERING cupboards, shelves and drawers happened. Clearing out all the build up of stuff that had accumulated over the years.

I have gained a new appreciation of being alive and present and in this world and a gratitude for everyone around me.

Blessings, love and light to you 💚

Read more… Extended Lockdown Inspiration and On Appreciation In These Times and Seeking Out The Benefits In These Times


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