Things I Love… Walking

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“All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.” Friedrich Nietzsche

I am on a mission to find the things that make me feel most alive. I have discovered that I love walking! You can walk anywhere, anytime and the best thing of all it’s free, doesn’t cost a cent, nada!!

I listen to music, a podcast or an audible book while I am walking, or I just watch the clouds pass by and birds flying past. It can be a quiet meditative moment or a chance to think and plan furiously. Creative ideas can flow or sometimes my mind just drifts aimlessly from one thought to the next.

I can walk myself out of a bad mood. I think the fresh air is therapeutic and if you are fortunate enough to walk in nature or by the sea then bonus wellness points.

I’ve tried running and I even managed to do a few 10 km runs in the past, but I do not enjoy running. It is so hard and also hard on the body and you are at risk for injuries.

So walking is my ‘go to’ sport at the moment. Often I don’t feel like going and would much rather sit on the couch and catch up on series, but I drag my sorry a#se up and out the door and feel SO much better for it. Seriously!

“Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very far.” Thomas Jefferson

Why I love walking

• Weight loss of course
• Better sleep
• Tones muscles
• Reduces stress
• Eases back pain
• Improves fitness
• Reduces risk of heart disease
• Helps with overall health

So, what’s not to love right?

My current challenge is to walk 5kms 5 days a week.

And to challenge myself further I have already ‘walked’ some 10km road races and I have another 4 that I am booked to do before the end of the year.

“An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” Henry David Thorea

Check out my other Blog Post 👇

Things I Love… Coffee
Things I Love… Swimming

What is your favourite exercise? I would love to hear.


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