The Things Kids Say

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Kids say it like it is, what they are thinking and often the truth in that moment.

Here are some funny and random things that I have heard my kids say over the years;

o   Mom, you’re not the boss of me

o   I never want to get married, it costs too much money

o   I want to live with you forever (Umm, I don’t think so)

o   I don’t want a hug, I just want breakfast

o   Your tummy is so soft and comfy (Not nice!)

o   Vegetables ruin my life (Yeah right, get over it)

o   Mom, can you be a bit nicer to me today please

o   My mouth just doesn’t want to be quiet

o   Please have another baby Mom so I can be the boss of him

o   I never want to grow up, it is too much hard work (Yep!)

o   Mom, you are not that old, your face is still straight (Thanks my child)

o   Can I have a ham, cheese and tomato sandwich but with just the cheese please

o   Granny, why don’t you have a name like the rest of us (This was said to my Mom)

o   I love jumping on the trampoline, it makes me feel so free

o   I will never need money, I’ll just use a card like my Mom

o   I really need some chocolate, like right now (I know, me too!)

o   I love you so much my heart just has no more space

o   I will miss you while I am sleeping (Ahhh)

You got to love them! They drive us mad sometimes and test our patience. I truly believe that they are sent here to challenge us and also to show us depths of love that we did not know existed.

Can you relate? What are some of the things your kids have said? Also read my ‘Momisms’ and things I thought I would never end up saying.

  • Yolandi North


    Haha! Some classics here. Kids are so cheeky. Thank you for sharing. x

    • Super Shazzer

      He he, thanks. It is great to get down in writing what they say. Always good to look back on and have a giggle.

  • Quotes Tadka


    Good info. Lucky me I came across your blog by accident (stumbleupon).
    I’ve saved it for later!

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