Water Crisis in Cape Town- Level 6b Restrictions

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The days are getting hotter and no rain in sight. Water supplies are dwindling and the ground and grass is drying up around us.

This is the reality we are facing today in Cape Town, South Africa. After a three year-long drought the dam levels currently stand at 26.3%.

In an effort to maintain water in the city Thursday 1st Feb 2018 marks the day that we are issued with level 6B water restrictions as we all try to avoid Day Zero.

The prediction for Day Zero (when the city expects it will run out of water) has been pushed up to April 16, 2018.

♦ ♦ We now have a target of 50 litres per day, per person. New water tariffs will also go into effect starting Thursday 1st Feb. ♦ ♦

There are some great Facebook groups you can follow with people that are committed to combatting the water crisis. They share ideas and tips to help us all on our water saving journey.

Hang in there, stay calm, be mindful, sensible, tolerant and kind.

Read for more inspiration… The Benefits of the Water Crisis in Cape Town

Here are the Level 6b Restrictions from the City

★ No watering/irrigation with municipal drinking water allowed.

★ The use of borehole/wellpoint water for outdoor purposes, including garden use, topping up of swimming pools and hosing down surfaces, is strongly discouraged in order to prevent the depletion of aquifers in the current dire drought situation. Borehole/wellpoint water should rather be used for toilet flushing.

★ Should borehole/wellpoint water be used for garden irrigation, this must be limited to a maximum of one hour only on Tuesdays and Saturdays before 09:00 or after 18:00.

★ Permission from the national Department of Water and Sanitation is required in order to sell or buy borehole/wellpoint water.

★ All boreholes and wellpoints must be registered with the City and must display the official City of Cape Town signage clearly visible from a public thoroughfare.

★ No topping up (manual/automatic) filling or refilling of swimming pools with municipal drinking water is allowed.

★ All private swimming pools must be fitted with a cover.

★ No washing of vehicles (including taxis), trailers, caravans and boats with municipal drinking water allowed. This applies to all customers, including formal and informal car washes

★ No washing or hosing down of hard-surfaced or paved areas with municipal drinking water allowed.

★ You are strongly encouraged to install water efficient parts, fittings and technologies to minimise water use at all taps, showerheads and other plumbing components.

★ All residents are required to use no more than 50 litres of municipal drinking water per person per day in total irrespective of whether you are at home, work or elsewhere.

★ You are encouraged to flush toilets (e.g. manually using a bucket) with greywater, rainwater or other non-drinking water.

★ No new landscaping or sports fields may be established, except if irrigated only with nondrinking water.

Water and Sanitation: Emergencies, accounts and general enquiries-

Telephone: 0860 103 089
Email: [email protected]
SMS: 31373
WhatsApp 063 407 3699


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