Write Your Story- A Writing Workshop with Melinda Ferguson

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“The power of writing can literally transform you”.


We all write every day, be it an e-mail, a WhatsApp message or a Facebook comment but ask most people to write more than that, then they get full of doubts and become fearful.

I raise my hand up and say that I also feel fearful. Every time I write something for my Blog, my heart races a bit before I push the publish button because I am sharing a bit of myself, exposing my personal life and I have always said that I am a pretty private person.

My mission is to share writing, research and information that is inspiring, educational and uplifting.

Like I wrote in a previous blog post Developing my Writing Skills, I have not had any formal writing training so I am a constant mission to improve my skills.

So that is how I found myself at another workshop of Melinda Ferguson’s in her warm, friendly venue in the Northern Suburbs in Cape Town.

I want to;

✔ Discover and refine my writing voice

✔ Improving my writing so I can improve my communication with the world

✔ Communicate more clearly

✔ Express myself more effectively

✔ Have courage to express my feelings through words

✔ Add value to other people’s lives

✔ Build a larger, more engaged audience

Workshops like these teach me to trust myself as a writer, allow me (force me) to go through that door, to open myself up, to reach inside and put those thoughts and ideas that are in my head down onto paper. To honour those words and to share them to the world.

 “The connection between pen and paper tells you stuff that you were not even aware of”. Melinda Ferguson

You can learn a lot from hearing other people’s writing and of course getting feedback on what you have written.

My recommendation to other Bloggers and potential authors and writers is to also get help in voicing your opinions, sharing your stories and crafting your words.

“Fill your paper with the breathings of the heart.” William Wordsworth

Find Melinda Ferguson Publisher/ Writer on Facebook. she also does workshops in JHB.

Do you write? Share your links with us. I would love to hear from you. Thanks.

Disclaimer: this post is not sponsored in any way.



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